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As part of the annual conference of CASWE within the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE), the QSEC SIG invites submissions from scholars, students, activists, educators, artists, and others who research or otherwise engage sexual and gender minority or queer issues in the study of education and culture. The SIG encourages submissions from the wide-ranging topics presently constituting queer research and practice in education and culture from cross-cultural, historical, political, policy, comparative, and other perspectives. The intention is to cover a diversity of topics, inviting stances and reflections from a variety of temporal, geographical, and interdisciplinary perspectives. QSEC also encourages a variety of types of submissions, including academic papers from across disciplines, creative submissions, performances, storytelling, visual arts, and other alternative formats.


Dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle de l’association canadienne pour l’étude sur les femmes et l’éducation (ACÉFÉ) au sein de la société canadienne pour l'étude de l'éducation (SCÉÉ) L'étude de l’allosexualité dans l’éducation et culture (ÉAÉC) invite des chercheurs, des étudiants, des activistes, des éducateurs, des artistes et autres à effectuer des recherches ou à engager de quelque manière que ce soit une minorité sexuelle ou de genre, et les questions relatives à l’éducation et à la culture. ÉAÉC encourage les soumissions sur les sujets variés constituant actuellement la recherche et la pratique « queer » en éducation et en culture des points de vue multiculturel, historique, politique, comparatif et autres. L'intention est de couvrir une diversité de sujets, en invitant des positions et des réflexions à partir d'une variété de perspectives temporelles, géographiques et interdisciplinaires. ÉAÉC encourage également une variété de types de soumissions, y compris des articles académiques de toutes disciplines, des soumissions créatives, des performances, des récits, des arts visuels et d'autres formats alternatifs.

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Oct 11th, 2023

APPLICATIONS DUE for 2024 Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE/ SCÉÉ) Conference

The Queer Studies in Education and Culture (QSEC) Special Interest Group (SIG) warmly invites paper submissions for the 2024 CSSE Annual Meeting.


Our call for papers this year, “Cultivating 2SLGBTQIA+ Futurities in Times of Crisis” responds to changes in legislation targeting queer and trans students and the associated rise in visibility of groups who want to claw back the rights of queer and trans people in schools and beyond, including New Brunswick’s Policy 713 revisions and Saskatchewan’s “Use of Preferred First Name and Pronouns by Students” policy. We face this moment in the midst of the climate crisis, wars happening around the world, and the ongoing pandemic. To sustain resistance and hope in the face of these challenging times, we invite scholarly contributions that contemplate the processes, possibilities, and cultivation of 2SLGBTQ+ futurities in the intricate and sometimes fraught nexus between resistance, resilience, and responsibility.


How might the challenges of the current social, political, and environmental moment be transformed into catalysts for constructive and affirmative outcomes? What are the roles of teachers, educational leaders, scholars, and the broader community? How do we cultivate and sustain queer hope and queer joy in difficult times? We particularly invite submissions that explore overlapping and intersecting identities, not simply as sites for harm but also as spaces for resistance, possibility, and thriving. In the face of dark times, we look to the ways in which queer love and solidarity enable us to do more than survive. In response to the Congress theme, we open space to consider the relationships between queerness and sustainability in imagining our collective futures.


QSEC welcomes submissions that consider the ways in which queer and trans scholarship, artistic practice, and research-creation might forge possibilities for queer and trans ways of knowing and being, and build bridges among epistemologies, pedagogies, research, communities, activisms, places, and praxes in ways that push gender and sexuality studies in education and culture forward. We particularly invite submissions that:

● centre Two Spirit, Black, and Indigenous voices;
● bring together queer studies in education with racial and climate justice, decolonization, disability justice, and other critical scholarship and activism;
● give space to reimagine and apply older work in a new context;
● shift from queer fear to queer hope, joy, and flourishing;
● (re)imagine futures where what once seemed impossible is possible;

● and consider how queer studies in education and culture can continue to challenge hierarchies and resist falling to the margins.


This year’s Congress includes a commitment by organizers to “enmeshing the knowledges of diverse contexts and amplifying Black and Indigenous perspectives.” QSEC recognizes the presence of anti-Black racism and racial profiling in Canadian academia, as evidenced in 2019 at UBC, and is committed to continued action. QSEC encourages proposals that centre queer and trans Black, Brown, and Indigenous epistemologies and lives in educational research and explore intersections of race, sexuality and gender as well as ability and class.


We seek proposals from a wide range of topics drawing on cross-cultural, historical, political, policy, comparative, temporal, geographical, and transdisciplinary perspectives. Along with traditional academic paper presentations, we encourage proposals for workshops, performance, storytelling, visual arts, audio arts, sound studies, and other alternative formats. If you have questions about a particular format, please contact the QSEC program chair, Bridget Stirling (


Proposals are due October 11, 2023. Please see for instructions on how to submit.


QSEC is committed to building a community of queer scholars in education. As such, anyone who submits a proposal is expected to review at least one submission for this year’s conference. QSEC is committed to accessibility. Please be in touch if you require specific accommodations to assist with the abstract submission process or if the requirement to review represents a barrier to your ability to participate in the conference.


The QSEC Team

Program Chair: Bridget Stirling
Program Co-chairs: Lucy Fowler and Kaschka Watson
QSEC Co-Presidents: Pam Malins and JJ Wright
Secretary/Treasurer: Karleen Pendleton Jiménez
Communications Director: Lauren Alston
Social Media Coordinator: Melissa-Ann Pereira Ledo



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If you have questions about QSEC, wish to learn more, or would like to volunteer as a committee member, please get in touch.

Thanks for submitting!

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